Sunday, June 29, 2008
jag minns att det inte gick att få en vettig överblick över vad kritiken menade var de yttre kriterierna för vetenskaplig metod annat än det vanliga tugget om att en kvantitativ statistisk faktabehandling utan subjektiva interpretationer simsalabim skapar en vetenskaplig teori annars är det som astrologi alltså en scientistisk hållning utan förståelse för strukturella studieobjekt
Annals of National Security
Preparing the Battlefield
The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran.
by Seymour M. Hersh
see also
"Israel has a year to stop Iran bomb, warns ex-spy"
Preparing the Battlefield
The Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran.
by Seymour M. Hersh
see also
"Israel has a year to stop Iran bomb, warns ex-spy"
Friday, June 27, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
His comedic sensibility revolved around a central theme: humanity is
a cursed, doomed species.
"I don't have any beliefs or allegiances. I don't believe in this
country, I don't believe in religion, or a god, and I don't believe in
all these man-made institutional ideas,"
he told Reuters in a 2001 interview.
His comedic sensibility revolved around a central theme: humanity is
a cursed, doomed species.
"I don't have any beliefs or allegiances. I don't believe in this
country, I don't believe in religion, or a god, and I don't believe in
all these man-made institutional ideas,"
he told Reuters in a 2001 interview.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
U.S. says exercise by Israel seemed directed at Iran
Decline and Fall of America's Energy Empire
"People can't believe things won't go on as they always have, or imagine that life could be any different. "
"People can't believe things won't go on as they always have, or imagine that life could be any different. "
"The Project for a New American Century's stated strategy for maintaining the American superpower in the face of a rising China was to invade and dominate the Middle East, and thus control China's access to oil for the next several decades. That was the intended long-term payoff of the Iraq War: control the oil, and thus control the world. "
See further :
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
I am in the rain, with black writing,
I am in the night with strange hands
I swim in the heat in the humid fear
of day and hate, I close my ear...
and the step the step of the stone that
falls is the space of the heart
and the man in the moon waving good-bye to
the boat that goes where the mouth
is red with a little word that parts where
the womb stands still beyond speaking.
by Sonja Sekula (1918-1963)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hello Everyone,
I would like to let you know about 2 upcoming shows in 2008 that my paintings will be included in:
July 5 - July 17, 2008: Young Painters: Loch Gallery, Toronto, Canada.
Loch Gallery introduces the work of Eric Budovitch, Geoff Farnsworth, Sue Kapigian and Sara Sniderhan. Also on exhibition, a selection of gallery artists including: Leon Belsky, Philip Craig, John McKee, Barry McCarthy and others.Please go to for more information.
September 13 - November 2, 2008: Edsvik Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden.I will have 15 to 20 of my larger paintings from the last 8 years exhibited alongside the work of 2 Swedish painters, Eva Zettervall and also Peter Dahl, one of Sweden's most renowned painters since the 1970's. My works shown will be pieces that were created through different stages of exploration and discovery while living in 4 different cities: New York, Toronto, Thunder Bay and Niagara Falls.
Please go to for more information.You can also get more information and view the paintings on my website:
Thanks and have a great summer!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
"The edge . . . there is no honest way to explain it, because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."
"The general public has no idea what's coming"
Disinfectant wipes routinely used in hospitals may actually spread drug-resistant bacteria rather than kill the dangerous infections...
Dear Surrealist friends and fellow travellers
SLAG invites you to join efforts in the third London International Festival of Surrealism. This will take place from Monday 18th to Sunday 31st August, not just in London but all around the world. For these two weeks we will be celebrating the spirit of the Surrealist Revolution, playing all sorts of games and conducting investigations into collectivity.
As in previous years, the Festival is not for passive consumption, but requires your active participation, wherever you are. A few weeks before the Festival, we will circulate details of the games and events proposed by contributors. To this end we invite you to submit your proposals to this email address by Monday 14th July so that we can collate them. We welcome proposals for games, investigations, enquiries, dérives, experiments – in fact, any collective pursuit which will further the Surrealist adventure. After the Festival, the results will be collected into an album and distributed to all contributors.
We hope that you will join us for these two weeks of the Festival.
With regards from SLAG ~ Surrealist London Action Group
SLAG invites you to join efforts in the third London International Festival of Surrealism. This will take place from Monday 18th to Sunday 31st August, not just in London but all around the world. For these two weeks we will be celebrating the spirit of the Surrealist Revolution, playing all sorts of games and conducting investigations into collectivity.
As in previous years, the Festival is not for passive consumption, but requires your active participation, wherever you are. A few weeks before the Festival, we will circulate details of the games and events proposed by contributors. To this end we invite you to submit your proposals to this email address by Monday 14th July so that we can collate them. We welcome proposals for games, investigations, enquiries, dérives, experiments – in fact, any collective pursuit which will further the Surrealist adventure. After the Festival, the results will be collected into an album and distributed to all contributors.
We hope that you will join us for these two weeks of the Festival.
in rivers & streams & lakes
in bookshops, junk shops & markets
in pubs & bars
in parks & gardens & woods
in trains, planes & automobiles
in cafés & restaurants
in cemeteries, wasteground & abandoned sites
in the streets online & offline
everywhere & nowhere...
everywhere & nowhere...
other than inside a museum,
art gallery or lecture hall.
With regards from SLAG ~ Surrealist London Action Group
Sunday, June 1, 2008
US accused of holding terror suspects on prison ships
Hur är läget?
Jag har gjort en kollageserie som Johannes skrev texter till och nu funderar vi på att ge ut den. Eftersom texterna är på svenska borde vi göra det i sverige men hittils hittade vi bara några förlag som kanske kunde funka med det här projektet. Har ni något tips på förlag till oss? Johannes är mera optimistisk men jag tror att till slut måste vi ge ut det själva och trycka några stycken i något billigt tryckeri i polen...
Hoppas att ni njuter sommaren i Stockholm. Jag ska stanna i polen i några månader till för att min mamma är väldigt sjuk och Johannes säger att han ska hålla mig sällskap. Tyvärr var ingen intresserad av att vara med i vår lilla grupp så vi har bara oss att leka med. För ett tag sen försökte vi träffa andra ateister i Szczecin genom att lämna massa lappar om ateism med webadress att kontakta. Som vanligt svarade ingen men för 3 månader sen bildades en grupp rationalister här i stan som vi träffar varje månad. Det är ingenting speciellt, liknar mycket humanisterna och har ganska mjuk attityd, total brist på mötesteknik och otillräckligt kritiskt tänkande. Vi hoppas att det kommer utveckla sig till nåt bättre under tiden. Hur som helst är det bra att folk samlar sig i ett så katolskt dominerat land för att kämpa emot det. Konstigt bara att de börjar så sent som 2008. Vi samarbetar med dem för att just nu finns det inget bättre alternativ.
Snart ska vi framföra en performance på en festival här med användning av massa kors, brevlådor och grisfötter och hoppas att göra en annan nästa månad som heter "Darwin promenad" om vi slipper fängelsestraff efter det första förstås.
Vi båda saknar Stockholm hemskt mycket men har ingen aning om när vi ska flytta tillbaka dit. Jag vet att det låter löjligt när jag skriver men åtminstone har ni nånting att skratta åt.
Vi hälsar så gott!
Anna & Johannes