Friday, March 30, 2007

Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees

A Film By David Blair

1992 - USA - Surrealist Film/Psychological Sci-Fi

Watch film here:


Au rendez-vous du corps des Satrapes
(Oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm.) by Andrés Onna

Left to right: Jacques Prévert, Jean Dubuffet, Andrés Onna, Marcel Duchamp, Gustavo Charif, Michel Leiris, Max Ernst, Raymond Queneau, Joan Miró, Alfred Jarry, René Clair, Boris Vian, Eugéne Ionesco, Man Ray, Jean Baudrillard, Fernando Arrabal, Darío Fo, Thierry Foulc, Crocodile, Luce Moreau, Umberto Eco.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Saturns Hexagon
The work of space bees?

Monday, March 26, 2007

He said: "I have not been commenting up to now because I want to get it resolved in as easy and diplomatic a way as possible, because it is the welfare of the people that have been taken by the Iranian government that is most important. But this is a very serious situation."

Friday, March 23, 2007


Le plagiat est nécessaire. Le progrès l'implique.

Plagiarism is necessary. Progress implies it.

You are invited to join us in the celebration of Lautréamont's birthday by committing an act of plagiarism. The act of plagiarism may take any form you wish -- found text and/or found image and/or collage and/or détournement and/or forgery and/or any other variation, experiment or adventure in plagiarism that you can invent.

SLAG will be collating responses to this game for publication on Lautréamont's birthday itself. Material will be accepted in any language. If you would like your own responses to be included, please send them to us no later than 12 midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) on Tuesday 3rd April. All responses received by that time will be collated and published on 4th April as a collective salute to our most delirious forebear.

- SLAG, Surrealist London Action Group

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Libertad, Libertad, Libertad,

Monday, March 19, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007



Libertad, Libertad, Libertad


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Nepal's 'Buddha Boy' does second vanishing act

A Nepalese teenager hailed as a reincarnation of the Buddha has vanished for a second time in southern Nepal, a member of his support committee said Saturday.
Ram Bahadur Bomjam, 17, who shot to fame in 2005 when his supporters said he had begun a meditation session that would go on uninterrupted for years, went missing on Thursday night, the committee member said.

"He suddenly disappeared from his meditating site in the jungle of Bara," said Raju Shah, a member of the committee set up after the boy became a local media sensation.
"He told his priest Indra Lama that he would meditate somewhere in other undisclosed locations."
Local media dubbed Bomjan "Buddha Boy" after supporters said he had been meditating for months without food, water or sleep, and tens of thousands of people flocked to see him.
He first disappeared in March 2006, telling his supporters the site had become too crowded.
Nine months later he reappeared and was set up at a new site by the committee, but this time visitors have been sparse.
Scepticism about the teenager's claims increased after his reappearance late last year, and local authorities froze bank accounts containing money collected from visitors.
Gautama Siddhartha, who later became known as Buddha or the Enlightened One, is believed to have been born in southern Nepal in around 500 BC.
Buddhists believe Siddhartha achieved enlightenment after meditating under a pipal tree.


Warming Report to Warn of Coming Drought

WASHINGTON (AP) - The harmful effects of global warming on daily life are already showing up, and within a couple of decades hundreds of millions of people won't have enough water, top scientists will say next month at a meeting in Belgium.
At the same time, tens of millions of others will be flooded out of their homes each year as the Earth reels from rising temperatures and sea levels, according to portions of a draft of an international scientific report obtained by The Associated Press.
Tropical diseases like malaria will spread. By 2050, polar bears will mostly be found in zoos, their habitats gone. Pests like fire ants will thrive.
For a time, food will be plentiful because of the longer growing season in northern regions. But by 2080, hundreds of millions of people could face starvation, according to the report, which is still being revised.
The draft document by the authoritative Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change focuses on global warming's effects and is the second in a series of four being issued this year. Written and reviewed by more than 1,000 scientists from dozens of countries, it still must be edited by government officials.
But some scientists said the overall message is not likely to change when it's issued in early April in Brussels, the same city where European Union leaders agreed this past week to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. Their plan will be presented to President Bush and other world leaders at a summit in June.
The report offers some hope if nations slow and then reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, but it notes that what's happening now isn't encouraging.
"Changes in climate are now affecting physical and biological systems on every continent," the report says, in marked contrast to a 2001 report by the same international group that said the effects of global warming were coming. But that report only mentioned scattered regional effects.
"Things are happening and happening faster than we expected," said Patricia Romero Lankao of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., one of the many co-authors of the new report.
The draft document says scientists are highly confident that many current problems - change in species' habits and habitats, more acidified oceans, loss of wetlands, bleaching of coral reefs, and increases in allergy-inducing pollen - can be blamed on global warming.
For example, the report says North America "has already experienced substantial ecosystem, social and cultural disruption from recent climate extremes," such as hurricanes and wildfires.
But the present is nothing compared to the future.
Global warming soon will "affect everyone's life ... it's the poor sectors that will be most affected," Romero Lankao said.
And co-author Terry Root of Stanford University said: "We truly are standing at the edge of mass extinction" of species.
The report included these likely results of global warming:
_Hundreds of millions of Africans and tens of millions of Latin Americans who now have water will be short of it in less than 20 years. By 2050, more than 1 billion people in Asia could face water shortages. By 2080, water shortages could threaten 1.1 billion to 3.2 billion people, depending on the level of greenhouse gases that cars and industry spew into the air.
_Death rates for the world's poor from global warming-related illnesses, such as malnutrition and diarrhea, will rise by 2030. Malaria and dengue fever, as well as illnesses from eating contaminated shellfish, are likely to grow.
_Europe's small glaciers will disappear with many of the continent's large glaciers shrinking dramatically by 2050. And half of Europe's plant species could be vulnerable, endangered or extinct by 2100.
_By 2080, between 200 million and 600 million people could be hungry because of global warming's effects.
_About 100 million people each year could be flooded by 2080 by rising seas.
_Smog in U.S. cities will worsen and "ozone-related deaths from climate (will) increase by approximately 4.5 percent for the mid-2050s, compared with 1990s levels," turning a small health risk into a substantial one.
_Polar bears in the wild and other animals will be pushed to extinction.
_At first, more food will be grown. For example, soybean and rice yields in Latin America will increase starting in a couple of years. Areas outside the tropics, especially the northern latitudes, will see longer growing seasons and healthier forests.
Looking at different impacts on ecosystems, industry and regions, the report sees the most positive benefits in forestry and some improved agriculture and transportation in polar regions. The biggest damage is likely to come in ocean and coastal ecosystems, water resources and coastal settlements.
The hardest-hit continents are likely to be Africa and Asia, with major harm also coming to small islands and some aspects of ecosystems near the poles. North America, Europe and Australia are predicted to suffer the fewest of the harmful effects.
"In most parts of the world and most segments of populations, lifestyles are likely to change as a result of climate change," the draft report said. "Net valuations of benefits vs. costs will vary, but they are more likely to be negative if climate change is substantial and rapid, rather than if it is moderate and gradual."
This report - considered by some scientists the "emotional heart" of climate change research - focuses on how global warming alters the planet and life here, as opposed to the more science-focused report by the same group last month.
"This is the story. This is the whole play. This is how it's going to affect people. The science is one thing. This is how it affects me, you and the person next door," said University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver.
Many - not all - of those effects can be prevented, the report says, if within a generation the world slows down its emissions of carbon dioxide and if the level of greenhouse gases sticking around in the atmosphere stabilizes. If that's the case, the report says "most major impacts on human welfare would be avoided; but some major impacts on ecosystems are likely to occur."
The United Nations-organized network of 2,000 scientists was established in 1988 to give regular assessments of the Earth's environment. The document issued last month in Paris concluded that scientists are 90 percent certain that people are the cause of global warming and that warming will continue for centuries.


The Atlantic Monthly June 2005
How We Would Fight China

The Middle East is just a blip. The American military contest with China in the Pacific will define the twenty-first century. And China will be a more formidable adversary than Russia ever was

by Robert D. Kaplan


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Automatiska öron, spionerande mobiltelefoner och manipulerade insekter. Den nya övervakningstekniken ser allt, hör allt och finns överallt

"De kommer börja läsa allt du skriver på hotmail, msn och nästan alla andra internetforum".

Pär Ström, självutnämnd integritetsombudsman vid stiftelsen Den nya välfärden sammanställde i höstas en rapport där den senaste tekniken för olika former av övervakning presenteras. En del är redan verklighet, annat på försöksstadiet men fullt möjligt i ett framtida samhälle.
Här publicera listan på sakerna som gör att du snart inte kan gömma dig - någonstans.
Automatisk ansiktsigenkänning:
En programvara jämför ansikten i digitala bilder med porträttfoton som redan finns lagrade. Igenkänningen görs genom att mäta avstånd mellan olika kroppsdelar i ett ansikte. Även hud kan analyseras. Används bland annat på offentliga platser i Storbritannien och ska införas på en tunnelbanestation i Tokyo.
Tekniken utvecklas på flera håll. Bland annat av den USA:s militära forskningsmyndighet Darpa för att kunna identifiera en människa via hennes gångstil. På så sätt ska man hindra någon från att komma för nära en amerikansk regeringsbyggnad.
Automatiska öron:
Istället för att polis eller underrättelsetjänstemän avlyssnar telefonsamtal kan jobbet göras av datorer. Forskningen hittills har lärt datorer att känna igen vissa ord, namn, röster och dialekter.
Manipulerade insekter:
Låter som science fiction men utvecklas hos Darpa, USA:s militära forskningsmyndighet. Mikroskopiskt liten teknologi planteras in i insekterna. Sedan fjärrstyrs de för att avlyssna, överföra videobilder eller lukta sig fram till dolda bomber. Särskilt lämpliga anses dagsländor och nattfjärilar vara.
Automatisk sanningskontroll:
Det israeliska företaget Nemesysco har tagit fram en programvara som analyserar frekvenser, vibrationer och andra kännetecken i en människas röst och kan därefter tala om ifall någon ljuger eller talar sanning, enligt företaget med 80 procents säkerhet. Provas i säkerhetskontrollen på Domodedovo-flygplatsen i Moskva.
Spionerande mobiltelefoner:
Genom att installera en programvara i en telefon går det att via mobilens mikrofon avlyssna omgivningen - även när samtal inte pågår. Programvaran installeras på distans av mobiloperatören utan att telefonens ägare vet om det. Enligt uppgifter i Financial Times kan tekniken ha använts i samband med att en av de misstänkta för terrorattentaten i London 2005 spårades och greps.
Tjallande skrivare:
Enligt Pär Ström samarbetar myndigheter i flera länder med tillverkarna av färgskrivare och kopiatorer för att förse utskrifter med hemliga koder. På så sätt kan man spåra personen som skrivit ut ett visst papper. Statens Kriminaltekniska Laboratorium bekräftar för Ström att kodsystemet används i Sverige.
Programvaror analyserar kontakter mellan människor och ritar ”umgängeskartor”. Analyserna bygger bland annat på telefon- och eposttrafik, ekonomiska överföringar och information om resor och besök. Umgängesanalys användes av de amerikanska styrkorna i jakten på Saddam Hussein i Irak, skriver Pär Ström.
Systemet används av bland andra det amerikanska säkerhetsdepartementet och går ut på att programvaror automatiskt går igenom internet och suger upp information om människors intressen och åsikter - till exempel från bloggar och mejl. Enligt Pär Ström är svenska Skatteverket på gång att införa internetdammsugare för att hitta personer som bedriver yrkesmässig handel med varor på till exempel Blocket.
Flygande övervakningskameror:
Kamerorna monteras in i obemannade flygplan och har använts av den amerikanska militären i Irak och Afghanistan. Brittisk polis är på gång att införa de flygande kamerorna för att få bättre koll över vissa problemområden och ”identifiera antisocialt beteende”.
Med hjälp av röntgenstrålar kan man ”klä av” en person för att upptäcka till exempel vapen som göms innanför kläderna. Scannern har testats i säkerhetskontrollerna på amerikanska och brittiska flygplatser.


"Annoying as they are, you may want to think twice before you crush a cockroach or swat a fly — you could be killing a future foot soldier in the war on terror."
The World Can't Wait.
Photo by Ashley Franke of Cleveland High in Reseda, CA.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

"No such system can be monolithic, closed, absolute, but must always be a product of the struggle between different objective interests, between the needs and compromises of real people, and is always subjected to the effects of ineffectivity, entropy, immense differentiation, chaos factors, chance effects, clinamen, the unpredictable, etc. The most effective subversion may take place, almost by definition, where we least expect it."



drawing by HARL


Who's lurking in the foreground?

Found Photograph, Brooklyn, c:a 2000



drawings by HARL, 2000


there is such a thing as "the right distance," a sense of proportion

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Saturn Sings: the planet, alchemy, symbols seen in songs as governing the metal lead, which is one of the signs for dark prime matter.

Understood as having nefarious overtones, Saturn Sings plays an important musical role in more sinister alchemical processes. On the other hand, Saturn represents order, strictures, and a gravitational pull to balance and moderation. Alchemist's understood that Saturn Sings had a very "take matters into hand" energy and utilized this essence in practice as well as in thought.


Concerning Saturn Sings:

Saturn alchemy planet symbols are seen in texts as governing the metal lead, which is one of the symbols for dark prime matter.

Understood as having nefarious overtones, Saturn plays an important role in more sinister alchemical processes.

On the other hand, Saturn represents order, strictures, and a gravitational pull to balance and moderation.

Alchemist's understood that Saturn had a very "take matters into hand" energy and utilized this essence in practice as well


Photographs by Laura Rohrer

Friday, March 2, 2007

Carl Fredrik Lindroth in Betul, India 1885.

(Could be they are the hymenopteron of the demon world, a separate species that is mostly neutral, but sometimes hostile, to the dominant demon culture, could be there are even more powerful demons than Greater Demons who control them?)


saturn sings...

Thursday, March 1, 2007
